25 Crazy State Laws You Didn’t Know Existed

Here’s a list of the most random, insane, funny and highly questionable state laws that (somehow) still exist.

Find out what crazy law is enforced in your state…

1. In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught stealing soap, he must wash himself with it until the soap is gone.

2. In Arkansas, you’re not allowed to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly (ARE-kun-sa).

3. In the state of California, ostrich steaks are exempt from state sales tax.

Here’s a list of the most random, insane, funny and highly questionable state laws that (somehow) still exist.

Find out what crazy law is enforced in your state…

1. In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught stealing soap, he must wash himself with it until the soap is gone.

2. In Arkansas, you’re not allowed to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly (ARE-kun-sa).

3. In the state of California, ostrich steaks are exempt from state sales tax.

ostrich state

4. There are still laws in Pueblo, Colorado, stating that it is illegal to grow dandelions.

5. In Delaware, it is illegal to sell the hair of a dog.

6. According to an Atlanta, Georgia, ordinance, “smelly people” are not allowed to ride public streetcars.

7. In Quitman, Georgia, chickens may not cross the road.

8. Giving your sweetheart a box of chocolates weighing more that 50 pounds is illegal in Idaho.

chocolate state

9. In Illinois you can drink under 21 if you’re enrolled in a culinary program.

10. In Louisiana, it’s a $500 fine for sending a pizza man to a friend’s house without them knowing.

11. It’s illegal for Christmas decorations to be up after January 14th in Maine.

12. You cannot own an explosive golf ball in Massachusetts.

13. It is against Michigan state law to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant.

crocodile state

14. In Kalispell, Montana, children must have a doctor’s note if they want to buy a lollipop.

15. If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving in New Jersey, you lose the privilege of personalizing your license plate.

16. Bingo games cannot last more that 4 hours in North Carolina.

17. Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down in Paulding, Ohio.

18. It’s illegal to get a fish drunk in the state of Ohio.

19. In the state of South Carolina, you have to be at least 18 to play a pinball machine.

pinball-machines state

20. In Tennessee, you are forbidden to share your Netflix password.

21. It is illegal in Waco, Texas, to throw a banana peel onto the street because a horse could slip.

22. In Wisconsin, you can’t serve butter substitutes in prison.

23. First cousins may marry in Utah, but only after they’re 65 years old.

24. You’re not allowed to intentionally kill a bird with a plane in Vermont.

25. It’s illegal to ride an ugly horse in Wilbur, Washington.

1 comment



Why would anyone steal a soap bar ?!?

Why would anyone steal a soap bar ?!?

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