5 Ways to Be More Positive

Here at The Home T we are all about looking on the bright side, but sometimes there are days when it feels like just about everything can go wrong. Here are 5 easy ways to be more positive...

Here at The Home T we are all about looking on the bright side, but sometimes there are days when it feels like just about everything can go wrong. Whether it’s raining cats and dogs and you forget your umbrella, or you spill coffee down your favorite shirt before a big meeting - it’s easy to walk around with a dark cloud over your head. Here are five ways to be more positive:

1. Make a List of Everything You Are Grateful For

While this might sound a little cheesy, it is actually quite effective. This list can include minor things like getting a good parking spot when you’re in a rush to recognizing your loving, supportive family. When you see all the amazing things you have in your life, it’s easier to overlook a coffee stained shirt. (life hack: keep a spare Home T in your desk drawer - just in case!)

2. Get Involved

Nothing makes you more appreciative for what you have than by giving back. Pick an organization that is near and dear to your heart. You’ll be more likely to get involved and you’ll feel great supporting a cause you love. The Home T is a proud supporter of MS research. If you are interested in joining this cause here are some upcoming events.

3. Laugh Every Day

Laughter truly is the best medicine. Thankfully, the internet has done a great job of providing us with endless options of comedic relief. Personally, we enjoy watching videos of puppies but whatever you may enjoy- take 5 minutes and have a good laugh. Heck, take 10.

4. Listen to Music

Music can instantly boost your mood and make you forget your woes (even if just for 3 minutes). Music providers such as Spotify or Apple Music have numerous playlists geared toward happiness and feelin’ good.

5. Wear a Doc Shorty Shirt

Doc Shorty is our line of inspirational tees that are meant to bring a smile to your face. What’s more of a reminder to stay positive than by seeing it in your own reflection? Whether you need a reminder to be kind, or dance to your own beat, we have plenty of sayings to choose from that will reflect your inner rockstar. Shop the collection here.

Dancing To My Own Beat

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