Spooky season is almost here, and that means it’s time to watch arguably the best Halloween movie over and over again. No, we aren’t talking about any slasher or horror films, but rather the family friendly classic… Hocus Pocus.
If you’re a Hocus Pocus super fan, you have to take a trip to Salem, Massachusetts and visit these 7 places used for filming the movie:
1. Max and Dani's House - 4 Ocean Ave. Salem, MA

Allison’s mansion where the Halloween party for “rich people” was held is another Salem landmark you should visit. You probably won’t have to “bob for apples” as Dani expected in the movie, but The Ropes Mansion located at 318 Essex Street is still a must visit for any Hocus Pocus fan. This is the place where the infamous, “What do you call them Max? Yabbos?” line took place!
Legend has it that The Ropes Mansion is actually haunted, but you can go and find out for yourself as this landmark owned by the Peabody Essex Museum is open to the public!
The outside of Allison’s mansion in Hocus Pocus.

Remember the infamous “I Put A Spell On You” singing performance by Winifred Sanderson at the town’s annual Halloween ball? That took place at Salem’s Old Town Hall, which now serves as a museum for all things Salem witchcraft. Who could forget Max and Dani’s mother living her best life in that Madonna costume?

The Salem Commons are seen a few times throughout Hocus Pocus, but the most noteworthy is when Allison hands Max back his own note containing his phone number. He then rides his bicycle through the commons on his way back home.
We recommend visiting during autumn once the leaves change color to truly capture the picturesque Hocus Pocus aesthetic.
The scene in Hocus Pocus where Allison gives back Max’s note with his phone number.
5. Cemetery - Old Burial Hill - Marblehead, MA
After receiving his phone number back from Allison, Max rides his bicycle through the Old Burial Hill cemetery where he comes across town bullies Jay and ICE (with his name etched into his hair in the back of his head). Max is forced to give up his new cross trainer shoes and pedal home shoeless.
You can visit this historic cemetery where it all took place, and admire the history of this burial site dating back to 1638.
Max’s confrontation in the Old Burial Hill Cemetery with Jay and “ICE” in Hocus Pocus.
6. Thackery Binx's House - Pioneer Village - Forest River Park - Salem, MA
Salem Pioneer Village in Forest River Park. Image courtesy of SalemWeb.com.
The opening scene of Hocus Pocus is set in 1693, and shows Thackery Binx noticing his sister Emily is missing. He chases through the village to try and locate her. You can visit this village, known as Salem’s Pioneer Village which is located in Forest River Park. This museum was built in the 1930’s, and recreates life in the puritan years. Pioneer Village is open to the public and offers guided tours as well!
Opening scene of Hocus Pocus with Thackery Binx roaming his village searching for his sister Emily.
7. Max and Allison's High School - Phillips Elementary School - 86 Essex St. Salem, MA
Phillips Elementary School, which served as John Bailey High School in Hocus Pocus, is no longer in use. This historic building is prominently featured in the film, especially during the Sanderson Sisters’ chase to retrieve Winifred’s spellbook. Max, Allison, Dani and Binx think their battle is won when they burn the Sanderson Sisters alive inside the school’s furnace, only for them to return.
Can you imagine attending elementary school where these sinister witches once roamed in the movie? We’d certainly be a little spooked.
The Sanderson Sisters outside Max and Allison’s school in Hocus Pocus.

Now that you’re ready to book your trip to Salem to see all these filming locations in person, you’ll need the perfect t-shirt to wear. We’ve got you covered with these awesome Hocus Pocus inspired designs!
Check out our entire Halloween Collection before it’s too late!

1 comment
Juanita Gaytan
I love Hocus Pocus.
I love Hocus Pocus.