Hey Look… It’s Ben Affleck

Yes, it’s expensive as all get out to live in New York City, but it really is the land of possibility.

For instance, I was headed to the gym last night and just so happened to see Ben Affleck posing for a picture with a fan.


Yes, it’s expensive as all get out to live in New York City, but it really is the land of possibility.

For instance, I was headed to the gym last night and just so happened to see Ben Affleck posing for a picture with a fan.

These kind of completely random things – some more exciting than others – happen quite often.

And if you’re wondering, Ben – I guess we can be on a first name basis now – looks just like he does on TV or in the movies. Some actors can look surprisingly small in person, but Ben – again, first name basis – looks exactly as you expect him too.

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